Professional marine systems restorations and fabrication

Please email us to purchase
- Stator restoration and rewinding
- Custom designed and manufactured ignition systems for Kawasaki and Yamaha
- carb Rebuilding / Restoration / Remanufacturing
- Spark Plug wire replacement
- Complete electrical / ignition system restorations / remanufacturing
- Please contact us @ for more information
- Custom designed & fabricated electrical cases for racing and recreational skis
JetSki Solutions / Stator Solutions restoration and remanufacturing services save you big $ over the cost of a new O.E. part. Many of the materials we use are manufactured to our stringent specifications for improved reliability and performance.
We use only the highest grade materials for each application in our restoration & remanufacturing processes. Our stringent specifications and processes are designed to eliminate all known failure modes in each specific piece of apparatus.
We are the solution to:
- Burned out, weak or impact damaged stators
- Faulty or vibration damaged spark plug wires
- Water logged, corroded start stop switches
- Water logged, corroded electrical boxes and wiring
- Missing, out of stock, or discontinued wiring and electrical system parts
- Corrosion damaged carbs
- Carburerator rebuilding including throttle shaft replacement with proper shimming and high performance work of ANY kind
- Any electrical or carb problem!
- Corroded battery and starter cables
- High parts costs and long waits for repairs!
Jet Ski Solutions - Your Solution for Electrical and Carb Services & Custom made performance parts
Don't wait for weeks or months to get your watercraft repaired at a dealership or independent repair shop. If you are handy and have access to small hand tools, you could save hundreds of dollars pulling the part yourself and having Jet Ski Solutions repair or remanufacture it!
Our customers have the repair shops send us the part for service, saving money over the cost of a new O.E. part!!
Jet Ski Solutions repaired or remanufactured parts are of the highest quality and are the best value because we resolve all known issues that cause failure. The materials and methods utilized in our processes significantly exceed common marine standards.